Other Charges Screen

Use this screen to add or edit Other Charges. Entries that contain a quantity and dollar amount greater than 0.00 are added to the estimate.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description


This is the description that is displayed on the Other Charges table, and that will appear on the estimate. You do not have access to this field. You can highlight the line and select it for the estimate.


This is the number the program will use to calculate the total Other Charges cost for the line. Enter the number of this charge that you want to apply to the line.

Price $

Enter the price of a single Other Charge.

Total $

This is the total amount of the Other Charge for this line. The program calculates this field, and you do not have access to it. However, you can change the Price or the Qty fields.


This field represents the category of the Other Charge, whether user defined or supplied with the program. The charge category is taken from the Other Charges table. You do not have access to this field. If you want to use a category that does not appear in the list, you can add it through the Other Charges table.

Towing Worksheet

Select this link to display the Towing Worksheet. The Towing Worksheet link is disabled if the estimate is locked, in an Unrelated Prior Damage or Related Prior Damage estimate. This link can also be disabled if the Allow Addition of Towing Changes in the Estimating Rules screen is not checked.


Select this tab to display the estimate lines.


Select this to display the estimate totals.


Select this droplist to view an estimate version.


Other Charges

See Also

Adding and Deleting Other Charges in an Estimate







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